Friday, July 15, 2011

On Being A Slut

Slut - A perjorative term applied to individuals considered to have loose sexual morals or who is sexually promiscuous. The term is generally applied to women and was an insult or offensive term of disparagment, meaning 'dirty or slovenly'.

This is how most people view sluts today. They hear that someone is a slut and most will jump to the conclusion that the person will indescriminately have sex with anyone. Not sure, check out this article - Men Talk About What Makes a Woman a Slut.

But I propose looking at the definition used in the book, 'The Ethical Slut' by Dossie Easton and Cathrine Liszt, 'a slut is a prson of any gender who has the courage to lead life according to the radical proposition that sex is nice and pleasure is good for you.'

I found this article to be an interesting perspective from a male POV If You'd Sleep With Her You Can't Call Her A Slut. There are couple things I disagree with in his writing though. Mainly, he addresses the use of slut as shaming single women. My disagreement is the words single and women. One does not need to be either single or female bodied for slut to be used in a derogatory, shaming and victimizing way.

You could try using The Slut Formula to determine your 'sluttiness.'

I remember the very first time I was called a slut distinctly. I was in the 1st grade and it was on the bus on the way to school one morning. I was an outgoing brainy kid, already used to being singled out for my 'individuality.' A group of older kids, 5th and 6th graders, mostly boys but a girl a two on the fringes, approached me and asked if I was a slut. I had never heard the word before and didn't know what it meant or if I should want to be a slut or not. I attempted to just ignore them in hopes they bore of me and go away, but the teasing continued, demanding I tell them if I was a slut or not, still no clue what it meant. Finally I turned to the largest boy and shouted, "yes, yes, I'm a slut!" hoping that any answer I gave would just make them go away. Everyone burst out laughing as my face grew an ever brighter shade of red. The increase in noise finally got the bus drivers attention who shooed everyone back into their seats. But for the remainder of the year I heard whispers of slut around every corner. When I got home that night I asked my parents what it meant and that's when I first learned that slut was a 'bad' word.

So, why am I slut? I enjoy sex. I enjoy sex with multiple partners, sometimes even at the same time. I enjoy safe, responsible sex. I enjoy pleasing my partners. I enjoy masturbating and orgasms. Sometimes I enjoy dressing overtly sexual. I enjoy various types of sex with partners of various gender identity and sexual orientation. I enjoy kinky perverse sex. Am I a slut? Yes, most definately. Is being a slut a bad thing? No, not if you're doing it right.

1 comment:

  1. Great post about the power of slut shaming in our society. Though I am conflicted about trying to take any words back and how successfully that actually impacts society, I am proponent of using slut in a positive connotation.
